Mainstack/substack challenge

Mon Jun 3 08:39:13 EDT 2013

I've included a Livecode 5.54 stack to demonstrate the problem (also tried it in Windows version 6.01).   This concept of moving some clipboard data from a substack to mainstack is critical to what I am wanting to do.  Kudos to anyone who can make this work.

The problem:   Using the included stack, put some text from a mainstack into the clipboard.  Click on any of the three fields in the substack that puts the clipboard text into the field that you clicked on.  Here is the card script code on the card containing the three text fields that does that.

on openfield 
      put the clipboardData["text"] into the target
end openfield

The problem shows itself if you put some text into the clipboard from the mainstack, click on a field in the substack, put some new text into the clipboard, and click on a different field in the substack.  The last content you put in the clipboard will be put on the field you clicked on as well as the previous field you clicked on.

Update:  I just tried copying some text from Notepad (Windows 7) then merely clicked in the substack title/menubar area, not any of the three text fields, and the content of the clipboard was put into the last field I clicked on in the substack.  So a ResumeStack automatically issues an Openfield message?  Also moved the Openfield handlers into each of the three fields with the same results.

This is really so weird.  I have spent several days trying all the commands and functions that I thought might fix the problem and nothing works.

Thanks for any help.

|  Tony McLawhorn
|  Computer Support Manager
|  Department of History
|  University of South Carolina
|  Columbia, SC 29208
|  TonyMac at
|  (803) 777-9125

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