Mac drop file on standalone, process, and quit

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jul 23 17:51:13 EDT 2013

On 7/23/13 3:34 PM, Łukasz Józwiak wrote:> SET & PUT is not same look in 
rev docs, and SET work for me always PUT only
 > at start. look:
 > in app file

I'm familiar with the behavior of "put" and "set", it's been many years. 
;) You can't attach files to this mailing list, so we can't see what you 
tried to include. But the two statements do the same thing. Try this:

Create a field in a new stack. In the message box:

    put "this is a test" into field 1

The words will appear in the field. Now type this in the message box:

    set the text of fld 1 to "this is test two"

That will replace all the original text with the new text. Now do this 

    put "this is test three" into fld 1

And again, all the text is replaced.

If you aren't getting the same behavior in your own script, post the 
part that behaves differently and we can look. (Don't post a very long 
script or you will exceed the limitations of the mailing list.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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