How to manage file name containing a date with /

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jul 22 13:40:24 EDT 2013

On 7/22/13 7:50 AM, André Bisseret wrote:
> Since your posts I made a number of trials during the weekend,
> following your suggestions but with no success.

I'm still not sure why you need to translate the file paths. I've never 
needed to do that. This always works:

answer file "Choose a file:"
if it = "" then exit to top
put url ("file:" & it) into tVar

The special characters used by both MacOS and Windows are translated by 
the OS itself, so I never need to worry about what comes back from the 
"answer file" command. I just use whatever it gives me and the OS 
manages it.

Can't you just get "the files" and use whatever it sends back to the script?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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