error in fetching URL

Peter M. Brigham pmbrig at
Sat Jul 20 13:45:45 EDT 2013

I'm trying to design a poor man's spelling checker, and I'm using the script below. I keep getting the error "error Previous request not completed" and I don't know enough about internet connections to interpret what's going on. Can anyone help?

function checkSpelling tWord
   put "<tWord>&Form=Dict1&Strategy=*&Database=*" into theURL
   replace "<tWord>" with tWord in theURL
   put url theURL into tHTML
   put the result into tErr
   if tErr <> empty then
      put "Error:" && tErr into fld "text"
      put tHTML into fld "text"
   end if
   exit to top -- temporarily
   -- more code will go here, to parse the HTML
   -- return listOut
end checkSpelling

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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