Popup menu button - how to prepare the button?

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at clarkeandclarke.co.uk
Mon Jul 15 11:49:12 EDT 2013

Thanks for the clarification of what that table field item edit mode is all about, Craig.

A nice solution, too! I reduced the wait to 0 and the items enters edit mode only very briefly but exits. Edit mode still works with a double-click.

This is just an in-house utility, so we can live with that - if it was a customer app, I'd doubtless be banging my head on the overhang of the data grid learning curve instead! ;-)
On 15 Jul 2013, at 16:27, DunbarX at aol.com wrote:

> Hi.
> This is really klunky, but maybe you can refine it:
> on mouseup
>   wait 15
>   if not the mouseClick then focus on nothing
> end mouseup
> LC creates a temporary field that overlays the "cell" in a table field. That is where the entered data goes, and the the engine updates the table field itself when you move on. The trick is to not allow that field to have focus on a single click.
> There are likely better ways to do this...
> Craig Newman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Clarke <keith.clarke at clarkeandclarke.co.uk>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>
> Sent: Mon, Jul 15, 2013 10:06 am
> Subject: Re: Popup menu button - how to prepare the button?
> Thanks for the clarification, Klaus - that works perfectly.
> My next challenge is that single left click on a basic table field highlights 
> the row (good) and puts the item into edit mode (not desired). How might I go 
> about suppressing this default behaviour and force the need for a double-click 
> to enter item edit mode?
> Best,
> Keith..

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