Popup menu button - how to prepare the button?

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Mon Jul 15 09:46:25 EDT 2013

Hi Keith,

Am 15.07.2013 um 15:41 schrieb Keith Clarke <keith.clarke at clarkeandclarke.co.uk>:

> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to set a contextual popup menu to fire when right-clicking in a table field - in any 'cell' - but can't find any documentation on how to prepare the button itself
> (so that it's not visible but then appears at the mouse location).

Just hide the button, it will "popup" anyway :-)

> My script on the table field is:
> on mouseDown
>   if theButton is 3 then popup menu RowMenu
>   else pass mouseDown
> end mouseDown

try this:
on mouseDown theButton
  if theButton = 3 then 
     popup BTN "RowMenu" at the mouseloc
    pass mouseDown
 end if
end mouseDown

> …meanwhile, the RowMenu button just sits happily in the location I created it.
> Lessons and docs seem to gloss over the button end of the recipe - so what's the secret, does it need to be on a different card or sub-stack?
> Best, 
> Keith..



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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