Array glitch

Terry Dennis tedennis at
Thu Jul 11 20:19:46 EDT 2013

Does this occur if you dump the array (using your favorite method)?
-- NO. All other accesses to the array *appear* to work fine. Of course, I 
haven’t tested *every* possible value.

Does this occur with just the breakpoint?
-- It occurs with either a manually applied breakpoint, or a coded 
breakpoint (as in the example)

Does this occur with typing in a whole new script with no cut and paste?
-- YES. That’s how I created the test script. I manually typed it into a new 
button’s mouseUp script.

Does this occur with other number keys or other values or simply by setting 
the variable?
-- It ONLY occurs when I try to display the array in the debugger.  It 
*appears* programmatic access is fine.  But, I don't know that for sure, 
which is why I'm pursuing this line of questioning.  Has anybody else run 
across something like this with arrays?  It's the possible side effects of 
the underlying problem that I'm trying to avoid.  I don't want to take the 
time to redesign the array's keys if I will get the same result.

Does this occur with some other variable name?
--  YES.  The original problem was in an app I've been working on.  It used 
an entirely different naming convention.  It was actually an array of 
arrays, using seconds as the key.  So, I thought the problem could have been 
something to do with sub-arrays, and my code was at fault.  That's why it 
took me a while to isolate the problem.

Does this occur with no preferences file?
-- Good question.  How do I test without a preferences file?

There are several dump files in my AppData CrashLogs folder, but I don't 
know how to proceed with those.


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