What happened to Applescript in LiveCode Community 6.1?

Emmett Gray film2 at handheldfilm.com
Sun Jul 7 21:05:42 EDT 2013

On Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:01:54 -0400, Colin Holgate <coiin at verizon.net> wrote:
>I see. It looks like any v6 LiveCode doesn?t seem to have an AppleScript dictionary

Not true. 6.0 Community does and it was/is again working here with "do script". It's 6.1 Community that is broken, which you could have gathered from my original post.

If AS wasn't in 6.0 I would have stayed with Revolution 4.0.

"do script" is one of only 2 terms in the 6.0 AppleScript dictionary, but it's the only one you really need because the script you're doing isn't Applescript, it's LiveCode so you can (or used to be able to) tell LiveCode to do virtually anything you want from an AppleScript app or script. The other term is "evaluate" which I've never needed.

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