OpenCard and preOpenCard Odd Behavior

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Jul 7 17:24:26 EDT 2013

On 7/7/13 4:07 PM, Roger Guay wrote:
> I'm checking the Message Watcher, but so far I'm not seeing
> what's causing my problem. Sure enough the MessageWatcher confirms
> that OpenCard and PreOpenCard are not executing when revisiting the
> first card, but are when first opening the stack.

When you say they aren't executing, do you mean the messages are sent 
but nothing happens? Or no messages appear in the message watcher?

If there are no messages, then check for a "lock messages" command that 
might be blocking them.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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