Augmented reality with LiveCode ?

Mark Wilcox m_p_wilcox at
Mon Jul 1 06:18:39 EDT 2013

> Is there any way or tool for creating an Augmented Reality app for iOS using LiveCode ?

LiveCode is (currently at least) a truly terrible tool for building augmented reality apps - primarily because it has no functionality for handling 3d content or 3d rendering.  Even if you're doing the sort of AR that's based on sensor input and location with 2d overlays rather than marker or point cloud recognition, you still need to render in a 3d world.  With an external you'd either have to handle all of the 3d stuff outside of LiveCode, or build quite a complex interface to enable it to be managed from LiveCode.

At least until LiveCode adds 3d graphics capabilities the best general purpose environment for building cross-platform AR apps is Unity and the best library/plugin for tracking markers or point clouds is Qualcomm's Vuforia.  I'd suggest looking at those first.


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