MenuItems not showing

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at
Mon Jan 21 23:33:09 EST 2013

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:10 AM, Joe Hamburger <abilitybf at> wrote:
> Is there a maximum number of
> menuItems for a button perhaps? I have 53 items in that menu.

If there is it's well above 53.

Just did a test, New Stack, opened the Menu Builder, added a new Menu
Bar and added "Test" as a 'New Menu' between Edit and Help. To this I
added 106 'New Items' and it all worked fine.

There must be something else that is causing your problem.

Are you seeing the menu change? ie when you change from the Edit Tool
to the Browse Tool the menu changes from the IDE menu to what you
created? The other menus in your menu display correctly? It's just the
menu with 53 items that has the problem?

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