mobile: prompt for app review

Monte Goulding monte at
Mon Jan 21 22:53:20 EST 2013

Woah... before we start re-inventing the wheel.... Can't think why the engine isn't just passing the url to UIApplication openURL: but that would be a pretty easy external to write:

lcidl file:

command openURL
	in pURL as objc-string
	return boolean

implementation file:

bool openURL (NSString *pURL)
	return [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:pURL]];

On 22/01/2013, at 2:38 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

> What if your mobile app just send a REST GET to a server-side remote PHP script witch puts back your imts-apps URL in a mobile browser window. Should work like charm if PHP react correctly to the  imts-apps URL (i did't verify).
> Le 22 janv. 2013 à 02:42, Colin Holgate a écrit :
>> This should be easy, but there's a complication. I'm assuming you know how to show a button to the user, inviting them to write a review, and what you're asking is how do you take the user to your review page? If that's right, the normal url would be this:
>> itms-apps://
>> That link would directly take the user to your app's review page, inside the App Store app (if that ID is your One Minute Reader, and not someone else's One Minute Reader). The button script should be this:
>> on mouseUp
>>  launch url "itms-apps://"
>> end mouseUp
>> Unfortunately, LiveCode insists on the URL starting with http, file, or tel, and it won't attempt to send the URL to iOS. For desktop apps that's easily worked around by making the script be this:
>> on mouseUp
>>  launch url ""
>> end mouseUp
>> That will open Safari, which then opens iTunes, on the review page of your app. Unfortunately, part 2, that URL doesn't work on iOS. iOS seems to not like any addresses.
>> So, either RunRev should let URLs through even if they start with itms-apps, or you may need a tiny external that can take over the job that launch url normally does.

M E R Goulding 
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Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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