Animated gif editor

Robert Sneidar slylabs13 at
Fri Jan 18 13:57:49 EST 2013

If you only want it for a progress dialog, I built a standalone with an animated gif, and some commands and functions to respond to Applescript commands. With these I was able to show, hide, launch, quit, set the message and resize the dialog. The stack window was set to be a system window, so it floated above everything else. It really works a peach! Very little delay in launching, so you could launch and quit each time you needed it. Only thing is, it shows up in the dock! It would be nice if there were some kind of option to prevent a standalone from appearing in the dock. 

I never attempted to get it to function similarly in Windows, as I do not know how to make a Windows app capable of responding to external commands. 


On Jan 18, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

> And I was just about to download them!
> I know this topic comes up from time to time but is there any likelihood
> that LC will ever support animated gifs during blocking operations?
> Pete

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