Returning Data from a Modal

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Fri Jan 11 14:35:38 EST 2013

On 11/01/2013 19:13, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
> Is there an easy way I am overlooking to return data from a modal?
> Something akin to:
> go stack "BlahBlah" as modal
> put tReturnedData
> How do all of you handle that in a modal? I want a modal to return
> true if followed through with or false if its canceled, so I know not
> to execute the rest of script after the modal call if it was canceled.
> I feel like I have done this or seen this somewhere before.

There is a global property "the dialogData" which can be used for this purpose 
(both for sending data to the modal, and getting it back) and this is the 
standard advice.

However in fact this is just a convention, there's nothing special about that 
property except that it's not used for anything else and it has a relevant 
name!  So alternatively you can use a global variable, or a property of the 
stack "BlahBlah", or whatever else makes sense for you.



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