Richards talk seems to have gone down well

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Feb 25 13:42:55 EST 2013

Monte Goulding wrote:

 > @jonobacon: Watching @FourthWorldSys speak about LiveCode at Ubucon.
 > Looks interesting. :-) #ubuntu

Thanks for that, Monte, and for the kind words, Paul.

Yes, UbuCon at SCaLE 11x was tons of fun for all.  Kevin's assistant 
Mildred had some flyers printed for event which I distributed throughout 
the conference as well, and all three days I had people coming up to me 
asking me about this LiveCode thing. :)

Jono's great.  His role at Canonical is Ubuntu Community Manager, more 
of less the central cat-herder between the hundreds of employees at 
Canonical who make and support Ubuntu and thousands of people in the 
rest of the world who make it happen together.

I've corresponded with him for some time (we'll have an interview with 
him at LiveCode Journal at some point), and I finally met him in person 
at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Oakland last May.  He's a powerhouse 
of stong energy and great ideas for managing the various and sometimes 
disparate views of community members.   We'll need someone like him in 
the LiveCode community if this transition to open source is to work out.

One of my best moments at SCaLE this year was getting a signed copy of 
Jono's book at the O'Reilly booth, "The Art of Community":

For anyone managing sizable communities, esp. in the open source 
software world, this book is an invaluable compendium.

True to the free-and-open spirit which drives so much of the work Jono 
does, a PDF version of the book is available at no cost from that site.

And if you want the printed version, or if you just want to encourage 
O'Reilly to keep publishing books like this, you can purchase it here:

And a big shout out to Jon Johns at O'Reilly. He's their community 
support contact, helping local user groups get access to the various 
products and services O'Reilly provides.  If you have a user group and 
want to report on a new O'Reilly title or an upcoming O'Reilly event 
with your members, drop me an email with your contact info and outline 
of your organization and I'll pass it along to Mr. Johns.

You may recall the Linux command line cheat sheets I handed at out 
RevLive in San Jose - those were from Jon Johns at O'Reilly.  He loves 
to help user groups.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  LiveCode training and consulting:
  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
  Follow me on Twitter:

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