So stoked about the possibilities for Open Source

Colin Holgate coiin at
Sun Feb 24 11:28:58 EST 2013

I'm on an invite-only Google email list. There are some number of Google employees, but also about 500 others, all of whom are geeks. I'm quite possibly the least geeky one on the list!

Anyway, I played up the Android publishing angle (a lot of them are Google fanboys and girls, and there are even a few Apple haters), hopefully they will see that having a free tool for making personal Android apps, or publishing to Google Play, would be a good thing!

Will let you know what the reaction is.

On Feb 24, 2013, at 10:59 AM, Mark Smith <Mark_Smith at> wrote:

> I encourage others who want to see this happen to be creative on how we can
> fund this.

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