Standalone working on windows not on mac

André Bisseret andre.bisseret at
Sun Feb 24 05:53:23 EST 2013

You are right Malte ; it's a path problem!
Applying your answer test :

- In the development environment I get the right file path

/Users/did/Desktop/transfert ABONNEL Isabelle/DOSSIER ABONNEL Isabelle

and that says "true" (the stack "DOSSIER ABONNEL Isabelle is there and it is opened.

- but with the standalone for Mac I get a very strange (for me) file path :

/Users/did/Desktop/transfert ABONNEL Isabelle/Mé

and "false" the stack to be opened is not there!

So, In the last item, instead of the name of the stack that should be opened, I get

Mé (!!??)

Médeciel_T is the name of the standalone (the splash stack)
DOSSIER is the first word of the name of the stack that should be opened!

I have no idea about what is causing such a bizarre filename and about what to do to correct it :-((

Thanks in advance for any hint 

Best regards


Le 23 févr. 2013 à 19:20, Malte Brill a écrit :

> I suspect this is a path problem. The stack may be in a location you do not expect. Could you answer the path you are searching on your mac and the do a 
> answer thePathToStack&cr&cr&(there is a stack thePathToStack)
> for debugging?
> Best,
> Malte

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