Standalone working on windows not on mac

André Bisseret andre.bisseret at
Sat Feb 23 11:57:32 EST 2013


Mac 10.6.8 ; livecode 5.0.2.

As a splash stack I have a simple stack which, on openstack, disappears  and then opens another simple main stack.

In the development environment all is working well.

When I save this splash stack as standalone for Mac (intel) and for Windows :
- on Windows it works as expected; the splash stack is vanishing slowly and opens the simple main stack.
- with the Mac standalone,  the splash screen disappears as expected, but the main stack is not opened :-((

It's the first time I get such an issue. 
Exactly the same simple splash screen program working with the Windows' standalone not with the Mac' one.

The standalone settings is minimal (answer dialog and cursors only (no script libraries, not database support)

After a lot of trials I am lost; I can't see what is lacking to the settings of the standalone for mac!

Any idea on what I am missing?

Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from (snowy) Grenoble


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