Set default keyboard layout (for other language) for a field
Jonathan Cooper
drdada at
Tue Feb 19 00:31:59 EST 2013
> From: Igor de Oliveira Couto <igor at>
> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:18:17 +1100
Saluton, Jonathan!
On 19/02/2013, at 12:39 PM, Jonathan Cooper <drdada at> wrote:
> > I've just created a stack with fields that will contain text in
> Esperanto.
> > I have a keyboard layout ("Esperanto-sc") installed on my Mac that allows
> > me to type special accented Esperanto characters (eg, "ĉ", "ŭ").
I speak Esperanto fluently, and in the past have been quite active in the
> Esperanto community in Australia.
Saluton, Igor! Mi miras ke mi ne renkontis vin ĝis nun. Eble baldaŭ...
> The easiest way to type Esperanto with your Mac is not by using a
> dedicated or custom-made keyboard layout, but by using a layout that is
> already pre-shipped as standard on every Mac installation: the 'US
> Extended" layout. ...
Thank you so much. That seems like the best solution by far. I have started
using it already and I'm sure I'll be using option-6 and option-b
'automatically' pretty soon. Another big advantage of "US Extended" over
"Esperanto-sc" is that keyboard shortcuts like cmd-c and cmd-v still work!
Se vi ankoraŭ havas dubojn, aũ se vi bezonas pli da informoj - aŭ se vi
> simple volas ekzerci vian Esperanton per babilado kun amika samideano - ne
> hezitu kontakti min eksterliste! :-)
Mi scivolis ĉu ekzistus Esperantistoj kiuj uzas la programon Livecode, sed
mi ne imagis ke iu loĝus tiel malproksime al mi! (Mi loĝas apud Gosfordo,
kaj estas ano de la E-grupo de la Centra Marbordo.)
Dezirante al vi sukceson en viaj esperantaj laboroj,
Dankon, la saman al vi. :-)
> Or, failing that, to
> > have Livecode automatically set the keyboard layout as soon as the field
> is
> > opened?
That may not be always reliable, as in some systems - like the Mac - the
> user has to explicitly 'enable' the keyboard layout (in System
> Preferences), for it to be available. There is, however, a more 'low-tech'
> solution.
> Many years ago, before people were able to easily type accented letters on
> the internet, it was common to see an 'alternative' Esperanto spelling,
> which used 'x' - a letter that doesn't exist in Esperanto - where an accent
> should be used.
Yes, I'm familiar with that system. I've found that, even in 2013, many
Esperantists still send emails, and create web pages, using cx, gx, etc. supports it, I see.
I also wondered whether I might implement this in my stack but, unless I
decide to release this or some other Esperanto-stack publicly, I probably
won't bother. But your code will be a very good start if I do. :-)
From: Mark Schonewille <m.schonewille at>
> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 02:55:42 +0100
Hi Jonathan,
> We did this for a client. We have a working Mac solution. Currently, the
> Windows solution works only in theory but I'd be happy to investigate
> further. Contact me off-list of you're interested.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
Thanks very much for the offer, Mark, but Igor's solution is so
straightforward (and the stack is only for my own use -- so far) that I
will just use that.
Jonathan Cooper
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