Mac App Submit

Lars Brehmer larsbrehmer at
Sat Feb 16 06:25:06 EST 2013

OK - Thanks, this helped a lot. And it got me a few steps further :-)

> You don't manually add "Mac App Store Application Category Type", you choose from the menu an item that matches the Mac App Store category that you have previously claimed the app to be. So for example, in my test I chose "". The save and reopen worked fine, but note that when you reopen you're no longer in Raw Keys/Values. The thing you added will show as "Application Category" with a value on the lines of "Developer Tools".
> By the way, you can completely skip the raw keys steps, just let it stay in the easy looking English version, add in an "Application Category", and choose from the easy to understand category list.
> Also, yes, the article is out of date, for a while now Xcode has taken over editing plists, there is no Property List Editor anymore.

However, and I fully expected this, it did not quite get me over the finish line.

I got the two certificates from the Apple Dev Center and got them installed in my keychain. Then came these steps from the article:

> Open Terminal and enter "codesign -f -s " (there is a space after "-s" and you do not enter the quotes). Enter a start quote and then the full name of the Mac Developer Application certificate which is viewable with the Keychain application, followed by a closing quote. The image above of the Keychain shows the text that gets entered. In this example the command line should look something like:
> jdough:~ jdough$ codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: J Dough"
This worked OK

> type a space after the closing quote and then in the Finder drag your standalone application file into the Terminal. Terminal will put the absolute path to the standalone application. The final line will look something like:
> jdough:~ jdough$ codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: J Dough" /Users/jdough/Documents/MyLiveCodeApp/MyLiveCodeApp/
This worked OK

> hit the return key and codesign should add a "_CodeSignature" folder (and other files) into the package contents of your standalone.

This is the message I got in Terminal;

"object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable"

Is this referring to my Standalone? Did I miss something about the file format of an Intel App made with Livecode? I am quite sure that my Stanalone Applications Settings are correct.

My only guess is this. I mentioned recently (in a different thread) that my Standalone, a splash screen, contains stacks that are compressed into custom properties and decompressed and saved as stacks (with a custom file format suffix) into Application Support>myCompanyName>myAppName. I had remarked that I always thought this method was fairly typical, but in one of the replies on that thread someone pointed out that this isn't really standard or typical. Could this be the problem?

Also, my main stack is encrypted, but I don't think that's the problem, because much of the rev/livecode code in the stansalone is alos encrypted.

I have no other ideas, and would appreciate a clue here!



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