Mac App Submit

Lars Brehmer larsbrehmer at
Fri Feb 15 10:04:02 EST 2013

I am trying to submit an app to the Mac App Store.

I am one of those Livecode users who only know Livecode - no Xcode, no C++, just Livecode, so this is a bit daunting to say the least.

I am following this article "" step by step. It was posted in a Livecode Newsletter a few months ago.

So far so good until this;

> Edit Info.plist to include information not automatically inserted by LiveCode. "Info.plist" is in the "Contents" folder inside the application package. Double click on "Info.plist" to open it with "Property List Editor" (provided in the Apple Developer tools assuming you installed those).

It opens in Xcode, not "Property List Editor." 

> Change the view to display the raw key values. In the "View" menu select the "Show Raw Keys/Values" menu item.

In the Xcode menu bar there is Editor>Show Raw Key Values, so I choose it

> Select the key "Information Property List" and press the "Add Child" button.

The Plist window doesn't look like the one in the article, but hovering over "Information Property List" a little + button appears, which I assume is like the Add Child in the picture in the article.

> A list of possible keys to add will be displayed, because it is not in the list, manually type "LSApplicationCategoryType".

"LSApplicationCategory" IS in the list so I choose it.

> For the value enter the previously chosen Mac App Store Application Category Type from the list of allowed category types provided by Apple. For this example we are entering "". Save your changes.

I add this value manually and save, but when I close and reopen it the changes age gone.

So I am confused why my editor window looks different and doesn't seem to save changes.

I have searched my drive for "Property List Editor" - nothing

The Developer tools folder only contains and uninstaller.

I searched Apple Downloads for "Developer Tools" 150 results, no "Property List Editor," nothng by Apple called "developer Tools."

I searched the App Store for Developer Tools and get an handful of results, the only one from Apple is Xcode, which I already have installed.

I have heard that actually submitting an App is complex and hard, but I can't even get far enough to try it!

Help would be very appreciated, as always!



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