How do I invoke a system color palette?

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Thu Feb 14 04:15:36 EST 2013

I realise this is a fairly dumb question, but I couldn't find anything in the usual RunRev docs: in a desktop app which will run on Mac or Windows, and maybe on Linux too, how do I offer the user some form of a system palette for choosing colors (or indeed colours, as we Europeans say)? I see that the IDE itself does it, but how? I realise that once I have the ability to do this, I may need to simplify the user's choice - in the Mac at least, there are some palettes with restricted numbers of colours, which would be fine for my app. So maybe I need to understand a little more than the basics. I also have an uncomfortable feeling that in the *nix world this won't be so easy, so maybe I have to give it a miss and just use a dropdown list of colour names, but I need advice on that too.

Can anyone point me to documentation, tutorial or examples on this?



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