OT: Director 12 released

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Wed Feb 13 10:18:42 EST 2013

On 13/02/2013 13:44, Colin Holgate wrote:
> ...you will have a tool that can publish to Mac, Windows, Linux, Server, iOS, and Android, for free, and with no royalty payments."

err... I think that's narrowly accurate, but perhaps a shade misleading. If 
you wanted to sell your app (on any platform) - you'd have to buy a commercial 
license - so in the context where Adobe would charge royalties, LiveCode won't 
be free.  "... for free, or at least with no royalty payments" might be closer.

But hey, if your message brings in a few more people pledging, I don't care!


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