Programming Subreddit

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at
Sat Feb 9 22:16:09 EST 2013

He may be right about the dir tree search, or maybe we're just forgetting
that LC can shell out to bash or other languages (when necessary), then do
what it does "best", and manipulate the data efficiency, while presenting
it to the user in a friendly UI on multiple platforms.

Sent from my Pipo M2

On 10/02/2013, at 1:28 PM, Jim Little <littlejamesw at> wrote:

> Thanks for replying to this subreddit.  I was getting in over my head, in
trying to reply.

Well... he is right... iterating the directory tree in python can clearly
be done in a less verbose and more readable fashion. Unfortunately people
try and sell LiveCode by saying one line of code = many in language X
however it's often the case that due to some library etc being available
one line in language x might be many hours of coding in LiveCode. If/when
there's hundreds of thousands of LiveCode users then we will have lots of
libraries to use too...

On the upside, what he clearly thinks is hard/harder (his bonus points) is
the GUI for the user to say what image is good and what is bad. That's very
easy in LiveCode.


Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
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