Android Externals

Monte Goulding monte at
Wed Feb 6 19:46:34 EST 2013

On 07/02/2013, at 11:33 AM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

> Just to make sure I am correct, there is currently no way to make externals
> for android?

Yes, you are correct

> And if that's still the case, why?

I'm not sure. It very nearly happened about 6 months ago but then it didn't.
> It's honestly the only thing keeping me from considering livecode as a
> realistic choice for mobile developement.

Well it appears that part of the modularisation work being done for going open source will allow us to develop more integrated extensions to the language. I assume this will be a virtual replacement for externals (or basically be externals with syntax stuff) and need to be cross platform. Perhaps that's why android externals never happened because the concept was superseded by these extensions...


M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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