Substitute "LiveCode" for "Scratch"

Kevin Miller kevin at
Tue Feb 5 08:11:12 EST 2013

Yes of course you can teach any age with it and we would like it used for
everything. However there are many that would disagree with respect to the
younger age groups who are getting good mileage with Scratch. No one will
disagree about the age range 13 to 18 - at least certainly none of the
hundreds of teachers I have spoken to. We have nearly a quarter of high
schools in Scotland using LC to teach now for that reason. If we stick to
pushing the areas we are strong we may pick up market share and reputation
and that will be a great platform to expand our reach later.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
LiveCode: Unleash Your Killer App

On 05/02/2013 12:57, "Richmond" <richmondmathewson at> wrote:

>> We see LiveCode as the natural step up from Scratch. It is perfect for
>> ages 13 to 18, just when kids start to outgrow Scratch. Which isn't to
>> that LC can't one day be dumbed down for the younger age group, but
>> now that is its sweet spot.
>I would say that Livecode is not "a natural step up from Scratch" because
>Scratch doesn't really resemble a programming language at all.
>I have taught children of 8 and up to achieve quite a few things with
>and with NO dumbing down at all.
>I do feel that by mentioning dumbing down in this context you are
>under-estimating the capabilities of a lot of children younger than 13.
>> I don't suppose anyone wants to go add a comment to this video with a
>> to our campaign?
>> Kind regards,
>> Kevin
>> Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
>> LiveCode: Unleash Your Killer App
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