filter with a tab character

Thierry Douez th.douez at
Mon Feb 4 13:07:40 EST 2013

2013/2/4 <admin at>

> I have tab-delimited list and am trying to filter lines.
> Q1. How do we include a TAB character in the expression? Using filter with
> "*\tsomeText" fails.

see \s below

> Q2. How do we specify a maximum numeric value? Using filter with "*[<18]"
> fails.

on mouseUp
   local tmp
   put fld 1 into tList
   -- \s match space and tab
   -- get "\s[0-9]\s" -- any 0 to 9 single number
   -- get "\s[1-4][0-9]\s" -- accept  10 to 49
   -- get "\s[1-4]\d\s" -- accept  10 to 49
   -- get "\s[1-4]?\d\s" -- accept  0 to 49
   get "\s[1-4]?(\d){1,3}\s" -- accept  0 to 4999
   repeat for each line L in tList
      if matchText( L, IT ) then put L &cr after tmp
   end repeat
   put tmp
end mouseUp

Forget about filter; it doesn't play with regex, just sort of...

my fld test contains:

hjkdf sdfsdflkj 987    dsf sdf sdf
fgffg gf gf    4998 fd ddf ddfd
fgffg gf gf    5000 fd ddf ddfd
ere e re eeee1234567890eeeeeeeee
gfgjfkgf dfglwer 0     fdfsla sdfsdf
gfgjfkgf dfglwer 42    fdfsla sdfsdf
try tytry retert  41    dfsdffdsd
sdflk; asdf 33    dfdfdfsa dsfsdff
kjklj jlkjlk 7    ljlkj lkjkjlkj jljljkl

And it's fast.



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