just for fun: pop quiz

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Sun Feb 3 16:08:15 EST 2013


Sunday, February 3, 2013, 12:40:43 PM, you wrote:

> In the case of sockets and drivers it is possible to read without error
> but not receive all the data due to communication issues. In that case
> you'd want to know if the read had paused or had really finished.

I was about to post the same, but then Bob would be on my case
instead <g>, so I'm glad you beat me to it. I'd be happier if the read
command had been written to return the number of characters read, in
which case 0 or -1 would be an error, but we're stuck with what we've

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net

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