ANN:Another app made with LiveCode has been approved by Apple!

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Wed Aug 21 23:45:03 EDT 2013


We tried to use what we saw as the Netflix billing model and got approved.  
Then in an app update a few months later Apple ask for a detailed workflow.   
I did not lie and Apple said "no no no, use in app purchase and give us the  
30%". I had to implement in app purchases to get a new version approved.   
Apple did NOT take down the existing app version. I asked for mediation and  
talked with a person and was told that the "Netflix model" was a special  
carve out for audio/video streaming apps. So.... I just implemented  
in-app-purchases and got appoved first time out(thanks to RR support and the  
good folks on this list.)

Ralph DiMola
MIS Director 
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

-----Original message-----
From: Mark Talluto <userev at>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Sent: Wed, Aug 21, 2013 21:17:52 GMT+00:00
Subject: ANN:Another app made with LiveCode has been approved by Apple!

Fellow developers.  I am happy to announce that we got our first iPad app  
approved for the iTunes store.  It took 5 days to get through.

The app is free.  It is a companion app to a desktop service/product we  
provide for the vision testing market.  There is an in-app component to make  
the app do more, but there is a twist.  We are billing through the desktop  
app to make the mobile app get extended features.  The iPad app communicates  
with the desktop app to know if the purchase as been made.  You can probably  
guess what that means.

We used Monte's socket external for iOS to make the communication between  
the iPad and the desktop work.  We specifically use UDP for all  
communication.  It is extremely fast and reliable.  We could not be happier  
with Monte's work on that external.

This app may not be very popular with the kids, but our market is very  
excited about it.  You can see it from the following link:

If you are curious about the interoperability between iPad and desktops,  
feel free to download the desktop app from: 
My mind is racing with all the possibilities.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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