Getting the Public IP address

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Thu Aug 8 11:09:36 EDT 2013

On Aug 8, 2013, at 4:30 AM, wrote:

> I am trying to establish the User's public IP address. The Scripter's
> Scrapbook has several methods, all of which return the same result and all
> of which seem to return a local IP address (e.g. put the hostnametoaddress
> of the hostname into myIP). I am getting (local) instead of the
> required (public). It must be possible as a google search on
> 'My IP address' displays it.
> As a self-confessed die-hard IP nitwit, I have tried to research a solution
> but have failed miserably.
> Has anyone got a method to obtain a User's public IP address?
> Many thanks,

Hugh, if you have access to a web server with LiveCode Server on it you could check the environment variable $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]. The script would look something like this:

  put "Remote IP Address" & ":" & $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] 

I have an example on my on-rev site. Just hit Of course this presupposes that the end user has an active internet connection.



Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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