"this me"?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Wed Aug 7 18:24:15 EDT 2013

Oh I see. You suggest people should come up with something better but 
you don't care that the syntax is super ugly now. Thanks for clearing 
that up. I'll just leave you to it then.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

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On 8/8/2013 00:20, Monte Goulding wrote:
> On 08/08/2013, at 7:54 AM, Mark Schonewille <m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com> wrote:
>> First of all, if it is properly documented, people will understand that "this control" is a bit of an exception.
> Sure, proper documentation can help. I personally don't like that this control could mean something other than me because it seems like a natural synonym and could cause confusion when moving a script into a behavior.
>> Second, if you ask for ideas, you should not immediately reject everything I write, because you're scaring potential contributors to the discussion.
> How long is an appropriate time for me to wait? Do I need to send a couple of supportive emails then point out the problems I see or what? I don't really have time to do that.
> I didn't ask for ideas. I said people that have a problem with 'this me' should come up with something better.
> Cheers
> --
> Monte Goulding

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