With Apple script no longer supported, how do I....

Jim Hurley jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 6 18:55:30 EDT 2013

Election season is fact approaching in my county. I do a lot of election DB work.

One thing I have long relied on was the ability to extract data stored Filemaker and put it into a LC stack, (where the scripting language is not idiotic.)

I have done  this with something like this (below) executed as Apple Script:

set theDatabase to choose file with prompt "Please locate a FileMaker Pro database file to open:"
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
	with transaction
			open theDatabase
			go to layout "list"
			get every record of layout "list"
		end try
	end transaction
end tell

It was slow but it worked.

With Apple script gone, will there remain a way to script in LC a way to extract  info from FM?

Please tell me this is a naive question, and the answer is easy.

Jim Hurley

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