[COMPLETELY OT] More On Earth-Like Planets

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Apr 25 14:43:03 EDT 2013

On 4/25/13 12:34 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
> Sure, open source LiveCode is pretty interesting, but hey, it's possible
> alien lifeŠ

I welcome alien life because it's not only super cool, but I think it 
would solve world peace. Humans are territorial and we identify with the 
smallest group that opposes a perceived enemy. If a neighbor is a jerk, 
we identify with immediate family. If the enemy is an opposing sports 
team, we identify with a whole school. If the enemy is another country, 
we get nationalism. If the perceived enemy was an entire world, we'd all 
band together to oppose it and we just might possibly start getting along.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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