Splash screen localization

Mark Wilcox m_p_wilcox at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 24 08:40:54 EDT 2013

Colin Holgate <coiin at verizon.net> wrote:

>> Although you can set different splash screens for different languages in Xcode, that need not mean that an app published with English as its language will have the other language screens inside of it.

Yes, using the "default.png" launch image as a splash screen is actually against the HIG but that doesn't stop a huge percentage of apps doing it and getting approved. Some cross-platform tools even force their splashscreen on you in the cheap/free versions.

Creating localized variants of default.png and putting them in the relevant language folder structure (you also have to remove the one form the top level and set a default language in the plist) does indeed result in the right one getting shown for the chosen language - I've led the development of an app that did exactly this for English and French. The downside is that text is not localized, as they say, you have to create multiple versions of the image with the correct language text baked in - this means that for a multi-language app you end up with a lot of full screen png images bloating your app - a truly horrible number if you have a universal app with retina images too.

The case I worked with made perfect sense - it was only in two languages and it was actually one company that had completely different branding and colour scheme in the different countries but otherwise identical code for the app.


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