Splash screen localization

Colin Holgate coiin at verizon.net
Wed Apr 24 08:02:14 EDT 2013

Although you can set different splash screens for different languages in Xcode, that need not mean that an app published with English as its language will have the other language screens inside of it.

This article by Apple:


shows how their approach is to not have text in the splash screen, and includes this quote:

"Generally, design a launch image that is identical to the first screen of the app.
Text. The launch image is static, so any text you display in it will not be localized."

It would be nice if the article was wrong.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 2:12 AM, Mark Wilcox <m_p_wilcox at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> >If you're building a native iOS app the splash screen can be localised just like any other image and the system will pick the right one to display for you whilst it's loading your app. Sounds like a small feature request for LiveCode. I'll see how tricky it is to add once the IDE is open to contributions. :)

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