Feature request: semaphores for externals

m_p_wilcox at yahoo.co.uk m_p_wilcox at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 21 17:41:12 EDT 2013

Paul - sorry, didn't mean to jump all over your suggestion. It was something I was already thinking about and I was just trying to say it's so important an area that we really need to do more than the minimum possible to enable async responses. However, as Mark has kindly pointed out, we're discussing something that already exists (for externals at least). My casual skim trough of the new API suggests you can post arbitrary messages back to LiveCode objects from any thread you like. Nice!<br/><br/>https://github.com/runrev/livecode/blob/release-6.0.1/lcidlc/src/LiveCode.h<br/><br/>Mark<br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad

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