SciTopia: LiveCode in Science

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Thu Apr 18 16:54:47 EDT 2013

I would like very much to be able to do applied maths on it, but the would require stricter typing of objects to be able to implement the IEEE standard on number representations. For starters, an port of the BLAS library, which includes routines for linear algebra and linear problem solving would be useful. Also, support for 64bit and Cocoa on the mac would be welcome, this a well needed update on the writing and building of externals, notably with decent support of multicore processors.
Until then...
Best regards

François Chaplais
MINES ParisTech
Centre Automatique et systèmes
Ecole des Mines de Paris

Le 18 avr. 2013 à 13:11, David Bovill a écrit :

> This is a call out to anyone using LiveCode in a Scientific setting - or in
> the area of public engagement in Science.
> I am putting together a bid to create an open archive for scientific games,
> and simulations in Science. There will be a particular emphasis on mobile,
> but we will also be working with real science data, and API's. I am making
> the application to the Wellcome Trust for a 2 year project, at a new Hub to
> be built in London. The project will start in September 2014.
> The core team are a great group of architect, game designers, and
> scientists each with many years experience in biomedical modelling. Prior
> to LiveCode going open source, we had concentrated on the Unity3D platform,
> but now the real benefits of openly licensed content, and code, which is a
> perfect fit for science and the Wellcome remit - makes LiveCode an
> important aspect of the project.
> We are looking for partners, advice and expressions of interest - the
> resource, should we succeed will be open to scientists, companies,
> not-for-profits and individual with ideas to develop games, mobile apps,
> simulations, for the benefit of biomedical science and it's appreciation
> and understanding by the wider public. A bit of a mouthful, but you get the
> point :)
> So if anyone is interested, or has any suggestions of any individuals or
> organisations that may be interested please point them this way. An initial
> project web site and description of the project aims and focus will be
> online in a couple of weeks.
> Thanks in advance,
> David
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François Chaplais
MINES ParisTech
Centre Automatique et systèmes
Ecole des Mines de Paris

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