Trapping for Hide Keyboard on iOS?
Gerry Orkin
gerry.orkin at
Sun Apr 14 21:46:25 EDT 2013
Yes, use a native input control (see page 70 of the 6.0 iOS release notes). When the user taps in the control the keyboard shows (or you can have it show when the control is initially created or made visible). You can specify that your keyboard has a "Done" key - hitting that will hide the keyboard and you can also trap for that (using inputReturnKey) and do whatever you need to with the contents of the control.
This creates a control (this is for a control that is used in a search feature):
local searchInputID
on showSearch
if "searchinput" is not in iphoneControls() then
iphoneControlCreate "input","searchinput"
put the result into searchInputID
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "rect", the rect of btn "shadowfield"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "textcolor", "gray"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "autofit", "true"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "autoclear", "true"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "clearButtonMode", "always"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "borderstyle", "rounded"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "autoCorrectionType", "yes"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "enabled", "true"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "returnKeyType", "search"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "keyboardType", "search"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "visible", "true"
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "text", "Search"
end if
end showsearch
Here's how you trap for the return (or "done" key):
on inputReturnKey
if iphonecontroltarget() = "searchinput" then
put iphoneControlGet (searchInputID, "text") into seachString -- or put it into a field in your case
searchFor seachString -- or just store the text in a field
end if
end inputReturnKey
You can even do stuff when the use first focuses on the control:
on inputBeginEditing
if iphonecontroltarget() = "searchinput" then
iphoneControlSet searchInputID, "textcolor", "black"
end if
end inputBeginEditing
Hope that helps.
On 15/04/2013, at 8:13 AM, JOHN PATTEN <johnpatten at> wrote:
> Is this possible, or is there a reasonably accepted practice for entering text into fields in a LiveCode iOS app?
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