Moving controls smoothly around the screen

Colin Holgate coiin at
Sun Apr 14 14:34:54 EDT 2013

There is a problem I think, in that the wipe is throttled by the refresh rate of the screen, and ends up being slow even if you say "very fast".

Here is a change of the second button script, where I removed the wipe, and also show the group after the showing of the button 2 list. I sped up the move too See if you like it:

on mouseUp
   if word 1 of the label of me = "Hide" then
      hide grp "group2" 
      set the label of me to "Show Group 2"
      put the loc of grp "group3all" into tLoc
      subtract "55" from item 2 of tLoc
      move grp "group3all" to tLoc in 10 ticks
      put the loc of grp "group3all" into tLoc
      add "55" to item 2 of tLoc
      send showgroup to me in 10 ticks
      move grp "group3all" to tLoc in 10 ticks
      set the label of me to "Hide Group 2"
   end if
end mouseUp

on showgroup
   show grp "group2"
end showgroup

On Apr 14, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Paul Hibbert <lc at> wrote:


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