Is it just me, again?

Peter Haworth pete at
Fri Apr 12 21:14:06 EDT 2013

In my case, the plugin would never be part of a derivative work.  It's only
of any use within the Livecode IDE and creates nothing that would become
part of an application of any sort.  To clarify, it's a replacement for the
IDE Application Browser.

Having said all that, I have no idea what that does to my rights and how I
need to deal with that in a license agreement.  I would like to retain the
IP rights in the code but I don't know if that's even possible once it's
used in a program that is GPL licensed.

Seems like all the open source effort has done for me so far is cause a
bunch of licensing headaches!

lcSQL Software <>

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Dr. Hawkins <dochawk at> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Cal Horner <calhorner at> wrote:
> > "I can use anything that is developed in LC OSS within my commercial LC
> > environment. But if there is a password protection on something I have
> been
> > using for awhile, and wish to continue to use, that plug-in can't be
> used in
> > a LC OSS development environment."
> >
> > I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems something is askew.
> Among other things,  the combined program would be a derivative work
> of both the OSS work and the plug-in.
> The GPL component requires that the combined work be treated, which
> isn't something that can be done with the commercial part, so no
> mixing.
> The GPL pretty much can't be combined with anything. "GPL compatible"
> means "can be re-licensed under the GPL"; this "compatibility" is a
> one-way trip.
> There is a lot of room in the OSS world for a license between the free
> BSD/MIT type licenses, and the viral GPL; something that requires
> disclosure of source code, but that allows mixed license in the
> ultimate program.
> --
> Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
> (702) 508-8462
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