Best Practice: Login Session on iOS

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 11 00:20:45 EDT 2013

On 4/10/13 1:53 PM, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:

> Is there any possible issues which I should be careful about,
> considering Apple's reviewing policies? I read a post of Jacque
> (Jacqueline L.G.) in the forums as: "I would also wonder about
> Apple's response. They do not allow custom licensing schemes, …"
> What's a custom licensing scheme?

You can't have a licensing or registration system of your own, you must 
rely on Apple to verify that your users have the right to run your app. 
Apple's method is pretty secure and you can usually trust that anyone 
who launches your app has also obtained it legally from the App Store.

> There's something as "we should be
> able to load a license to devices" in my customer's notes. May I
> reply to my customer that Apple strictly forbids this?

Yes, I think so. The license is provided by Apple when the customer 
purchases the app. Apple says they will reject apps that don't use their 
licensing system.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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