[OT] New pricing

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 22:54:20 EDT 2013

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at fourthworld.com>wrote:

> I can't claim to be a legal authority on such matters, and as such I just
> see what I see and pass it along; I'm not in a position to recommend that
> people submit GPL-governed works to an app store that has pulled such works.
No authority either, and whilst I whole heartedly agree with an earlier
comment by you "I would find it disturbing if the explicit intentions of
the creator of a license were not given weight in how that license is
interpreted"; I'm also a big believer in democracy. I wonder just how many
VLC contributors wanted VLC to remain at the App Store and whether it was
just Rémi Denis-Courmont who didn't. Sure that then opens a can of worms as
to Rémi's 1,000,000 lines of code versus 1,000 other contributors of 100
lines of code each, but hopefully you get my point, that in a GPL community
effort it appears that a single person can force all the others to follow
'their' will. In some sense I consider it paradoxical that Rémi appears to
have applied his own restriction on the distribution of VLC (the exact
thing he's complaining about) by saying it will not be distributed via the
Apple App Store.

But that it is all beside the point. The original poster indicated that it
is forbidden to publish open source to the App Store, which is not the
case. Apple is more than happy to have open source software on their site
but will also remove software, both open source and not, if a valid
complaint is raised.

In line with your statement, I would be most upset if I created an app with
LC Community, 100% my own work, had it accepted on the App Store, had the
source stack freely available for others to download, had a link to Runrev
where anyone could download LC Community, was more than happy that I was
complying with the GPL, and then had a Rémi Denis-Courmont complain to
Apple that my app wasn't in compliance with his interpretation of the
GPLand asked Apple to remove it.

I have no doubt that Apple would remove it, but I wouldn't be angry at

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