Win ico sizes

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Apr 7 21:22:40 EDT 2013

Apparently there's been a change between LC 4.6.4 and 5.5.4 with regard 
to the various sizes of the collection of icon images in ico files when 
building Win standalones.  It won't warn you if certain sizes are 
missing, but apparently the ones added since v4.6.4 are the ones used 
for aliases, so those show in Win7 with the generic app icon.

This leads me to two question:

1. Where in the docs is the list of specific required icon sizes noted?

2. I hate the tool I've been using (a Photoshop plugin named 
IconFactory; usability hell) - what tool do you folks like for making icons?


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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