[OT] New pricing

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sun Apr 7 14:50:27 EDT 2013

Kay C La wrote:

 > On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Georges Malamoud <malamoud.public at 
 > >
 > > - I can use the community edition on all platforms for free and open
 > > source apps (except iOS because it is forbidden to publish an open 
 > > app on App Store)
 > How do you come to that conclusion? This link seems to suggest otherwise:
 > Some of these are based on GPL which is, as I understand it, the same as
 > Runrev will be using for the Community Edition of LiveCode.

The review process at Apple is notoriously capricious. Given how widely 
varying reviews are with regard to Apple's own policies, it wouldn't be 
surprising if some, perhaps many, of Apple's employees were unfamiliar 
with the Free Software Foundation's findings of incompatibility between 
the GPL and Apple's App Store policies:

GPL Enforcement in Apple's App Store

No GPL Apps for Apple's App Store

The GPL, the App Store, and you

FSF: Apple’s iTunes Store terms of service at odds with GPL

If Apple has recently changed their policies so they no longer have the 
distribution limits that had made it incompatible with the GPL, that 
would be welcome news. But I wasn't able to turn up any info suggesting 
that, so the items in the Wikipedia article you linked to seem to be 
well-intentioned people who simply don't follow the news from the FSF, 
and Apple staff who apparently have a tough time keeping up with the 
ever-changing and inconsistently-applied rules there.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web
Ambassador at FourthWorld.com http://www.FourthWorld.com

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