Auto completion of a text field
Peter Haworth
pete at
Sat Apr 6 15:20:24 EDT 2013
Trying to implement an auto completion function for a text field.
I have a keyUp handler that gets the current contents of the field and
searches though a list of possible matches. If one is found, I tried
setting the text of the field to it. I see the match turn up in the field,
but when I leave the field, an exitField message is sent rather than a
closeField message, indicating that the field contents didn't change, which
they clearly did.
Next I tried using the type command to put the extra characters of the
matched string into the field. That works but looks kinda
clunky especially if it's a lengthy string, even though I set the typing
rate to zero before issuing the type command, .
Setting the text of the field is very smooth but the lack of a closeField
message makes it impractical for me. Seems like setting a field's contents
should make it aware that its contents have changed but apparently not.
Any tricks to achieve this?
lcSQL Software <>
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