Conditional compile

Peter Haworth pete at
Thu Apr 4 16:55:26 EDT 2013

Thanks Mark. I was thinking of something similar to that after I wrote the
email.  Actually revolving around a library stack to make the calls a
little easier.  Would mean some reorganization of the code but I think it's
pretty well modularized so probably not too bad.

I probably missed this somewhere but how can we check in a script if we're
running in the open source version of Livecode?

lcSQL Software <>

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at> wrote:

> Peter Haworth <pete at ...> writes:
> > Am I faced with maintaining two separate stack files?  Or perhaps some
> sort
> > of release process that would assemble a stack file from various
> components
> > so I only have to duplicate the things that differ between the two
> versions?
> Can you put the extra functionality into a substack or a substack file?
> Then
> in your main stack (probably on preOpenstack) check for the existence of
> the
> substack and take things from there. Disable calls into the substack if it
> isn't there, disable menu items that would call into it...
> --
>  Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at
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