positioning graphics in relation to a line in a text field

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Mon Apr 1 18:31:48 EDT 2013

Curt Ford <cford at ...> writes:

> Ah, this is getting me pretty close:
>    select line 3 of fld "Field2"
>    set the left of graphic "Rectangle" to item 1 of the selectedLoc - 10
>    set the top of graphic "Rectangle" to item 2 of the selectedLoc - 10
>    select empty
> And checking the formattedHeight of the selectedLine will let me adjust the
size of the rectangle in
> accordance with any length or wrapping issues of the line to box up.

Don't forget to adjust for scrolling as well.
And it gets slightly more complicated if you select multiple lines.

 Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net

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