Apologies & 2 liveCode problems

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Fri Sep 28 16:28:52 EDT 2012

On 9/28/12 10:10 AM, Lars Brehmer wrote:
> I would like to apologize for the tone of my post about the
> subscriber list earlier this week.

No problem, I think many of us have had that happen and we know it's 

> 1. I can't seem to set the textFont of fields to unicode. I doesn't
> work with the Text formatting section of the inspector palette and
> set the textFont of fld "xyz" to "Arial,Unicode"
> doesn't do it either.
> I upgraded from runRev 2.8 to liveCode 5.5 in one shot, so I
> obviously missed a lot of changes/improvements.

Yes, it's all changed (for the better.) The complete explanation is in 
the release notes, which are found in the Help menu. Do a search in the 
PDF for "unicode" to see all the changes. The short version is:

"Putting unicode text into a field can now only be done by setting the 
unicodeText property of the field (or a chunk of the field); using one 
of the content format properties such as rtfText, styledText or 
htmlText; or by a user action which causes unicode text to be entered 
into the field such as typing with a unicode IME.

"The textFont property will no longer contain any ‘language’ tag, and 
setting the textFont of a chunk to one containing such a tag will result 
in the tag being stripped and ignored."

> The other problem involves LiveCode images showing up as the icons in
> my buttons.
 > I looked at every
> single image ID in every single Livecode stack and found 10 images
> with ID's between 1012 and 1291. Infortunately 3 of them (1012, 1024,
> 1105) are the same as 3 of my images that are used as icons for
> buttons that are on literally every single screen of every single
> application I have ever made!
> Two of the conflicting images are in two of the revOnline sub-
> stacks, so I closed and removed from memory the revOnline stack and
> that was that - 2/3 of the problem solved.
> The third one is a little bit tricky, as it is the LiveCode
> splashScreen image on card "Main" of stack "Home!" (image id 1105)
> This stack cannot be closed.

The most permanent and portable solution is to change the IDs of your 
images. If you only have one referenced instance of each per stack, it 
shouldn't be too hard to change them. You'd see the problem the first 
time you open each of your stacks and you can update them over time as 
you notice it.

I had to do this once, and I used LiveCode's Find and Replace dialog in 
the Edit menu. Enter the ID you want to change into the Find field. Turn 
off all the selectors except for "All Other" and do the search. Once all 
the instances are found, remove any matches that don't apply and then 
enter the replacement ID and click Replace All.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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