lock/unlock screen

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 22 14:07:31 EDT 2012

On 09/22/2012 08:56 PM, Peter M. Brigham wrote:
> One of the advantages of using a splashstack, ie, a stub mainstack that opens the actual user interface, is that you can implement the positioning and appearance of your user interface stack before you open it. E.g.: in your mainstack, you set the rect of the interface stack, the visible controls and their locations, load any fields you need to, and only then open the interface stack. This is not necessarily appropriate for all situations, eg, for a utility stack you may want to keep things simple by only having a mainstack that does everything, but in many cases using a stub mainstack to initialize the working window is very easy and clean.
> -- Peter
> Peter M. Brigham
> pmbrig at gmail.com
> http://home.comcast.net/~pmbrig

This is an interesting point.

At one time I was experimenting with having a Main Stack that was invisible

[mainly because I'm not into splash screens];

Not quite as daft as it sounds as you can load it while mucking around 
with where you want your substacks to 'materialise'.

Something like this:

An invisible Main Stack containing this script:

on openCard
    set the lockscreen to true
     open stack "SubStackOne"
     move stack "SubStackOne" to abc, xyz   --- where 'abc,xyz' are 
screen coordinates
    wait 5 ticks
    set the lockscreen to false
end openCard

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