Oval Bug in iOS

Roger Guay irog at mac.com
Fri Sep 21 18:20:03 EDT 2012

Scott, you are absolutely right . . . your stack works just fine in iOS, but mine does not. And the reason? my script is something like the following:

on growOval
	put the loc of grc OvalThing into theloc
	lock screen
	add 2 to the width of grc Ovalthing
	add 2 to the height of grc OvalThing
	set the lock of grc OvalTHing to theloc
	unlock screen
end growOval

Whereas your script did the following:

put the rect of grc ovalThing into theRect
decrease the first 2 items of theRect and increase the second 2 items of theRect
set the rect of grc ovalThing to theRect

I've determined that locking the screen has no effect, so I have to assume my method of adjusting width, height and then the loc, results in the small sector missing problem. 

So, bottom line: your method is superior, but I wonder if my method should work as well, and is this therefore a bug?  

BTW, my other problem with mobile not working was that I had been trying to use iPad Simulator 6.0. Selecting simulator 5.0 works. And apparently with LiveCode 5.5.2 and Xcode 4.5,
the "Location of developer root for iOS 4.0 and above" is empty in the Mobile Support Preferences. So now my remaining problem is why does simulator 6.0 not work.

Thanks very much for your help, Scott.


On Sep 20, 2012, at 4:30 PM, use-livecode-request at lists.runrev.com wrote:

> If I understand what you're describing, I'm not seeing it here in the
> simulator (LC 5.5.1, OS X).  I used this test stack (execute in your
> message box):
> go url "http://www.tactilemedia.com/download/ovaltest.livecode"
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design

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